
Raghunath Anand Ratabole

Associate Professor

Physics Education, Quantum Field Theory


I have taught a variety of courses on campus since October 2005.  They are listed below:

PHY F110 Physics Laboratory:

This introductory physics laboratory introduces the art of experimentation in Physics through various experiments in Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves.

PHY F111: Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves

All students of BITS Pilani study this course irrespective of their program of study.  This course is an elementary introduction to the theory and applications in the subject area of  Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves.

PHY F211: Classical Mechanics

This course introduces the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics of a system with finite degrees of freedom.  Three classes of applications that are included in the course of study are:

  • Two-body central force problem
  • Rigid body kinematics and dynamics
  • Theory of small oscillations

PHY F212: Electromagnetic Theory I

This course introduces the student to the unified theory of Electricity, Magnetism and Light. The course is roughly divided into three parts, each of which addresses the following questions:

  • Part I:  What is the nature of the electric field produced by a static charge distribution? How do you quantitatively describe it? How does the static electric field influence any material medium? How do you characterize the material response to this static electric field?
  • Part II: What is the nature of the magnetic field produced by a steady and time-independent current? How do you quantitatively describe it? How do we characterize the response of a material to such a static magnetic field?
  • Part III: What is the experimental basis for unifying the theory of electricity, magnetism and light? How does this lead to Maxwell's equations? How do we understand the existence of light as a standalone system in itself? How do we characterize its properties?

PHY F241: Electromagnetic Theory II

The theory of interacting charged particles and electromagnetic fields is analyzed in detail.

  • Part I: What is a boundary value problem? Why should we study boundary value problems? How do you go about solving them?
  • Part II: Why do we introduce the concept of scalar and vector potential? What is the form of Maxwell's equations in terms of scalar and vector potential? How can the non-uniqueness of potentials be leveraged to simply the construction of solutions to Maxwell's equations?
  • Part III: What are the key features of unbounded propagation of electromagnetic waves in vacuum, lossless and lossy linear dielectrics and conductors? How do properties of propagating electromagnetic waves change as they traverse media with distinct dielectric, magnetic and conducting properties? What are the key features of bounded propagation of electromagnetic waves through transmission lines and waveguides?
  • Part IV:  What are the characteristics of electromagnetic radiation produced by a given time-varying conserved charge and current distribution? How does the approximate description of the charge and current density through electric and magnetic multipoles lead to a systematic understanding of the produced electric and magnetic field at near, intermediate and far distances from the source?
  • Part V: What is the special theory of relativity? How do we see that the free electromagnetic field is a relativistic system?


Mathematical Methods of Physics

I have taught this course twice before under the pre-2012 curriculum framework. The first part discussed a variety of partial differential equations while the second part was devoted to basic elements of group theory and its representations.

PHY F244: Modern Physics Laboratory

A laboratory course consisting of exciting experiments from Modern Physics.

PHY F342: Atomic & Molecular Physics

  •  Metrology & Phenomenology: How do we qualitatively set up the order of magnitude of various physical quantities associated with the world of atoms, molecules and light? Experiments provide a wealth of spectral data (frequencies emitted and absorbed) on atoms and molecules. How do we construct models based on known theoretical frameworks to explain existing experimental data and arrive at new predictions? (This is the practice of phenomenology in Physics)
  • Preliminaries: What are the key elements in constructing quantum models of atomic and molecular systems? What approximation methods are available at our disposal?
  • Hydrogenic Systems: The simplest atomic system is the hydrogen atom. Systems similar to hydrogen are called hydrogenic systems. Experimentalists have provided an extremely detailed record of the spectrum of this light atom. How do we set up a quantum model to explain all aspects of its spectrum? How do we explain the influence of external fields on the spectral lines of hydrogenic systems?
  • Many-electron atoms: A first-principles prediction of atomic structure involves computing the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of an N-electron atom problem. This is a challenging problem which has no exact solution. How do we systematically develop approximate solutions to this problem?
  • Atomic spectroscopy: Atoms emit, absorb and scatter light. The frequencies (and wavelengths) of and the extent to which light is emitted, absorbed and scattered by atoms are measured by experimentalists using various methods. This is called spectroscopy. How do we develop a theoretical model of atom-light interaction which can be used to predict the spectroscopic results?
  • Molecular Structure: Molecules are formed by the bonding of atoms. How do we set up a quantum-mechanical theory of chemical bonding and use it to predict the existence of molecules and their properties?
  • Molecular Spectroscopy: How do we understand the emergence of rotational, vibrational and electronic spectra of molecules?

PHY F344: Advanced Physics Laboratory


Theory of Relativity


PHY F412: Introduction to Quantum Field Theory


Particle Physics


PHY F420: Quantum Optics


PHY F422: Group Theory and Applications