Academic Graduate Studies & Research Division

Full time Ph.D. program

Admission in Full-time PhD program is offered to prospective students who full-fill the eligibility criteria of individual departments and are selected through an admission process. For more information on the admission procedure, visit

In general, the full-time PhD students would receive fellowship from three different sources. 

  • Institute fellowship (INR ₹37,000/- per month. The fellowship may be enhanced to ₹40,000/- or ₹42,000/- after two years based on the performance. Institute Fellows will also receive a contingency amount of ₹20,000/- per year.)
  • Fellowship obtained through sponsored research projects of faculty members.
  • Individual fellowship obtained through different government or industrial granting agencies or foundations including DST INSPIRE, CSIR/UGC NET, CSIR SRF, ICMR JRF/SRF, DBT SRF etc.

Part time PhD program

Admission in Part-time PhD program is offered to candidates working in close proximity to any of the Indian campuses and the work place possessing and offering resources to encourage research work. The employer should provide no-objection certificate for candidate to pursue PhD work.

For more information on the admission procedure, visit

Aspirant Ph.D. program

 PhD Aspirant Scheme is aimed to provide opportunity for working professionals to pursue PhD. These professionals are working in an Industry with commitment to research and are collaborating with BITS Pilani through Practice School/ Work-Integrated Learning/ Sponsored Research program.

For more information on the admission procedure, visit

Admission to PhD program is offered twice in a year, July/August and December/January period.


Important Proformas  

         Departmental Research Committee (DRC) formation

         Course work Package

         Course Handouts

         Evaluation forms

         Ph.D. Qualifying Examination

         Ph.D. Research Proposal submission

         Ph.D. Thesis submission process

         Ph.D. Work progress

         Fellowship & Contingency

         International Travel Grant

         Change of place of worktopic of research,supervisor,Co-supervisor & DAC

         Certificate from DAC members & Supervisor_final viva voce