Computer Centre



Computer Centre: The Computer Centre provides IT facilities and related services to support students, faculty and staff for teaching, research, learning and administration. It facilitates and maintains the state-of-art networking and computational environment for the Institute. The Computer Centre has two operational wings- CCIT and CC Labs.

The CCIT (Computer Centre’s IT wing) maintains the server room, which houses five PowerEdge R540, one R440, and one R240 servers available on the network, supporting Intel i5 PCs and Workstations of Lenovo/HP/Dell make equipped with Windows and/or Linux environments supporting a variety of software tools.

The CCIT manages and maintains the campus-wide network which is built using Cisco three-tier architecture with wired and WiFi access to users. At present, the campus LAN is connected to 3.00 Gbps dedicated fiber leased line (taken from 4 different ISPs) for the Internet connectivity to the entire campus community, and one 2 Mbps PRI line for ~450 IP Phones installed at various offices within the campus.

The SSL-VPN has been configured for accessing our network resources remotely and securely. The ISP WAN (from different vendors) links are load balanced through a Radware load-balancer for better monitoring of WAN links, bandwidth allocation to different VLANs, and to provide application level QoS to users. We have Sophos XGS7500 UTM device deployed on the periphery of the network for authenticating users, performing web and spam filtering etc. The eScan antivirus SW is installed on all computers for protection from virus threats.

The CCIT is also responsible for creating and managing official e-mail IDs for all students, staff, departments and divisions, using Google’s centralized e-mail solutions The CCIT also maintains the Voice over IP (VoIP) infrastructure and the Telepresence (TP) infrastructure in the campus. Using the TP facility, BITS Hyderabad campus establishes connectivity with three other BITS campuses to conduct conferences, meetings and online live lecture sessions.

To improve the resource utilization of CC with maximum fairness, every year our CCIT circulates a document containing policies to be followed for using BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus computing systems and IT resources. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that all users (faculties, staffs, students and third party) use Campus computing facilities in an effective, efficient, ethical and lawful manner.

The CC Labs (Computer Centre Labs) facilitates the computational requirements for teaching and research in BITS Pilani Hyderabad campus. It manages nine Computational laboratories for teaching and research. The CC Labs facility with approximately 500 PCs is accommodating integrated teaching with computational/numerical tools. Every year, CC Labs facilitated 50 courses (approx.) from engineering and science departments. A dedicated research lab equipped with 50 desktops is serving the research needs of the faculty and students working on funded projects, dissertations as well as on design-oriented-projects.

The CC Labs maintains around 35-40 network-based software/numerical tools, including the course-specific software and the general application software. The course-specific licenses include Design Tools- Auto CAD, FLEXSIM and PTC Creo, Numerical Computing Tools- MATLAB, MATHEMATICA and MATHCAD, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Tools- ANSYS CFD, Open Foam and COMSOL, Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis Tools- ABAQUS and ANSYS Mechanical, Civil Engineering Design Software- Bentley, and several other Statistical and Geographical Information System (GIS) tools.

The CC Labs is also involved in the procurement and maintenance of computer-aided tools or software and the supporting hardware infrastructure for educational use. The vision of the CC Labs is to facilitate advanced computing facilities for faculty and students to enhance the teaching and research endeavors of the institute. To achieve its aim, the CC labs is constantly conducting training to staff/students that impart knowledge on basics and advancements in software/numerical tools.

The CC Labs also helps AUGSD and AGSRD divisions in online instruction and Admissions Division in conducting the BITSAT online entrance examination. The CC Labs also supports various departments and student associations in conducting workshops, conferences, and seminars.


  • LAN with Fibre backbone running in the periphery of the campus, 2 CISCO core switches, 18 Distribution switches, 350 Access switches, 350 WiFi Access points, Sophos Firewall, CISCO Router, Radware Load-balancer, and Fibre backbone. (approximate figures only)
  • We have 2 Server rooms with state-of-art facilities for housing NW switches.
  • We have 12 Servers (DNS, DHCP, Webserver etc.)
  • Around 271 Laptops/Desktops for use by faculty and staff and 152 Laptops/Desktops/ for use by offices.
  • Around 450 IP Phones for use by faculty and offices.
  • Internet bandwidth of 3.0Gbps purchased from 4 different ISPs.
  • Telepresence facility- (i) Connecting top leadership (ii) for conducting meetings involving faculty/staff across campuses, and (iii) for conducting interactive classes across all BITS campuses.
  • Around 500 computers in CCLabs (nine rooms) for conducting courses and research.
  • Around 45 SWs for use by staff and students.

IT Policy of the Institute

Click here for IT Policy

IT Call Log

Click here to lodge an IT Complaint


  • Operations and maintenance of campus LAN which includes Cabling, Core/Distribution/Access Switches, Router, Firewall, Load-balancer, WiFi devices, and other NW components.
  • Monitoring Internet BW provided by four different ISPs, for intended QoS
  • Operations and maintenance of IP Phones for use by staff and Offices.
  • Maintenance of Servers (DNS, DHCP, Webserver etc.).
  • Monitoring the overall security and safety of IT infrastructure (including Antivirus).
  • Operations and maintenance of Telepresence facility for cross campus connectivity.
  • Operations and maintenance of Labs for conducting lab-work of various courses (~50) and research.
  • Providing HW and SW to Staff and Offices.
  • Supporting Admissions Division in conducting the BITSAT.
  • Providing technical support for WILP operations (on request).
  • Providing technical support to Departments and staff whenever required.
  • Monitoring the usage of IT resources by the campus community, to ensure that the IT facilities are used in an effective, efficient, ethical and lawful manner.


Computer Centre Nucleus

Position: Associate Professor 
Faculty In-charge, Computer Centre
Member, Sub EC, WILP
Email:  gururaj[at]  
Name Mr. Ajay Gaikwad
Position: Sr. IT Manager 
IT Infra Projects
IT Service 
Email:  ajay[at]  
Name Mr. Vardha Ramesh Goud
Email:  rameshgoud[at]  
Name Mr. A Rama Chandra Sharma
Position: Jr. Engineer
Email:  sarma[at]
Name Mr. Sandeep Guttula
Position: Jr. Network Engineer
Email:  sandeep[at]  
Name Mr. V L Narasimha Rao PULI
Position: Jr. Engineer & Webmaster
Email:  narasimha[at]  
Name Mr. Vamsi Krishna
Position: Sr. Technician
Email:  vamsikrishna[at]  
Name Mr. Mohammad Khaja Sultan
Position: Technician
Email:  sultan[at]  
Name Mr. Sai Pavan Vikas
Position: Technician
Email:  saipavan[at]   
Name Mr. Durga Pavan Kumar
Position: Technician
Email:  durgapavan.k[at]   
Name Mr. K Manohar
Position: Technician
Email:  manohar.k[at]   
Name Mr. Mastanvali Shaik
Position: Technician
Email:  mastanvali.shaik[at]   

Contact Us


Mr. Ajay Gaikwad
IT Manager

Computer Centre (CCIT)
Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
Hyderabad Campus
Jawahar Nagar, Kapra Mandal
Dist.-Medchal-500 078
Telangana, India