
Department of Physics

The Department of Physics, Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, Hyderabad Campus is engaged in research and teaching in the frontier areas of theoretical and experimental Physics. The significant steps taken to enhance academic standards and eminence in higher education include innovation and improvements in curriculum, teaching-learning process, and evaluation systems.

We are a group of internationally recognized academicians, with research expertise in the areas of fundamental as well as applied sciences, and related interdisciplinary fields. The department runs a foundation course for all undergraduate students. An integrated M.Sc. Physics course is offered with core courses and many electives that are open to other departments also. The electives are designed and tailored to align the students in the line of research done in the department.

  • The Vision
  • The Mission
  • Empowering Minds, Illuminating Futures: The Physics Department at BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus at the Physics Department of BITS Hyderabad, our vision is to cultivate a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that fosters a deep understanding and appreciation for the fundamental principles of physics. We aspire to be a leading hub for innovative research, transformative education, and community engagement, shaping the next generation of critical thinkers, problem solvers, and leaders in the field of physics.

  • Our mission at the Physics Department is to cultivate a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that inspires curiosity, fosters critical thinking, and advances scientific knowledge. We are committed to providing high-quality education in physics, empowering students with a strong foundation in theoretical and experimental principles. Through innovative teaching methods, collaborative research opportunities, and state-of-the-art laboratories, we aim to nurture the next generation of physicists who are well-equipped to address the challenges of the ever-evolving scientific landscape. Our dedicated faculty members strive for excellence in teaching, research, and service, contributing to advancements in fundamental physics as well as interdisciplinary applications. By fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity, creativity, and ethical responsibility, we aspire to make meaningful contributions to the global scientific community and prepare our students for successful careers and lifelong learning in physics and related fields.”

Programmes Offered

M.Sc Physics, Ph.D, Minor in Physics



1. DC Magnetron Sputtering

2. Magneto-optical Measurement System

3. LCR Meter (1 kHz- 1 MHz)

4. Fluorescent Microscope

5. Scanning Tunneling Microscope

6. Pelletizer

7. High Temperature Furnace (1200 C)

8. Atomic Force Microscope

9. Closed cycle Helium Refrigerator

10. Dynamical Mechanical Analyzer

11. High Speed Camera to Study the Flow in Microfluidic Channels

12. Soft Lithography Fabrication Unit

13. Servers for Computation

14. Keithley Nano Voltmeter and Ammeter

15. Laser engraving and cutting machine

16. Dual syringe pump

17. Zeiss Axiolab 5 Microscope

latest update



Past Semniars

Prof. Maulik Parikh

Arizona State University

Prof. Abhay Ashtekar

Pennsylvania State University

Prof. Sunil Mukhi

Prof. Sunil Mukhi

Prof. J. V. Narlikar

Inter University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics, Pune

Prof. Pallab Basu

Pallav Basu
University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Prof. Ajit Kembhavi

Pune Knowledge Cluster

Prof. Rajesh Gopakumar

ICTS, Bengaluru

Dr. Aniket Sule


Prof. Sudipta Sarkar

IIT Gandhinagar

Prof. B. Ananthanarayan

Prof. B. Ananthanarayan
IISc, Bangalore

Prof. Bhal Chandra Joshi

National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, TIFR, Pune

Dr. Souvick Mitra

Technology Development Group, Micron, USA

Prof. Bijoy Kumar Agrawal

Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics

Workshop and Conferences

“Pulsar Astronomy with uGMRT Boot-Camp: Multi-Wavelength Neutron Star Workshop", Jan, 2018.
“Characterization and modelling of magnetic materials” (Magnetic Society of India) July, 2018
“The 30th meeting of the Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation”, Jan, 2019.
International online meet as part of the Indian Pulsar timing array (InPTA) collaboration. June, 2022.
Symposium on Trends in Emerging Physics (STEP 2024), August 2024

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