Associate Professor,
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Journal Papers
Dash, B. and Balamurugan, G. 2024. ‘Sustainable tourism, livelihood and coastal governance: Chilika lake, India’, Ocean and Coastal Management, 253 (July) 107128.
Dash, B. 2024. ‘Negotiating cyclonic storms on Odisha coast: Integrating meteorological with traditional knowledge’, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 23(3) 262-270. View of Negotiating cyclonic storms on Odisha coast: Integrating meteorological with traditional knowledge (
Dash, B. 2024. ‘Gap between impact-based and impact forecast and warning: Implications for people-centric early warning system (EWS) in India’, Natural Hazards Research. 4(1) 110-117.
Dash, B. and Akhter, M.S. 2023. ‘Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction-Climate Change Adaptation and Governance: Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 86.
Dash, B. 2023. Science, State and Meteorology in India. DIALOGUE: Science, Scientists and Society, 3, 1–20.
Dash, B. and Jagirdhar, M. 2022. ‘People Centered Early Warning System: Last Mile Connectivity during Cyclone Titli, Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh’. Journal of Rural Development, Vol 41(1): 15-27.
Dash, B. and Walia, A. 2020. ‘Role of multi-purpose cyclone shelters in India: Last mile or neighbourhood evacuation’, Tropical Cyclone Research and Review, Vol. 9(4): 206-217.
Dash, B. 2020. 'Rain Enhancement Technology: Making Sense of the "Cloud Seeding" Program in India', Bulletin of Science Technology and Society. Vol. 39 (3-4)
Dash, B. and Akhther, M.S. 2020. 'Weather and Epidemics: A strange early summer in India', South Asia Journal.
Dash, B. 2016. 'Evacuation during Cyclone Phalilin and Hudhud: Re-evaluation of success', Economic and Political Weekly Vol. LI (53): 130-137. Evacuation during Cyclones Phailin and Hudhud : Re-evaluation of Success | Economic and Political Weekly (
Dash, B. 2015. 'Public Understanding of Cyclone Warning in India: Can wind be predicted?' Public Understanding of Science, Vol. 24(8): 970-987.
Dash, B. 2014. 'Science, State and Public’, Seminar, Vol. 656:27-31. Seminar Magazine main on-line scrolling 2017 (
Dash, B. 2005. ‘Tsunami Warning System’, Economic and Political Weekly. (Commentary) Vol. XXXX: 4. Tsunami Warning System | Economic and Political Weekly (
Dash, B. 2002. ‘Cyclone Warning Services: Lessons from Orissa Super Cyclone, 1999’, Economic and Political Weekly. (Commentary) Vol. XXXVII (42): 4270-71. Lessons from Orissa Super Cyclone | Economic and Political Weekly (
Book Chapters
Dash, B. and Walia, A. 2022. Development of Multi-Hazard Early Warning System in India, In S. Eslamian & F. Eslamian (Eds.) Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience, Springer Nature Switzerland.
Akhther, S.M. and Dash, B. 2022. Covid-19 Communication Strategies in India: An Analysis using Social Amplification of Risk Framework (SARF). In Singh, A. (eds.) International Handbook of Disaster Research. Springer, Singapore.
Dash, B. 2018. ‘Cyclone Phailin, 2013: A Case Study’ Lesson Chapter in SWAYAM Online Course on Disaster Management, Government of India.
Dash, B. 2014. Disaster Risk Reduction for Tourism Planning: Challenges of Mainstreaming, in Mohapatra, A. (Eds.) Development Issues in India: Policy and Perspective, Manglam Publishers
Dash, B. 2011. Early Warning, in “Disaster Management” School of Social Work, IGNOU: New Delhi.
Dash, B. 2011. Emergency Response, in “Disaster Management” School of Social Work, IGNOU: New Delhi.
General Articles
Dash, B. 2024. Disaster Management (Amendment) Bill, 2024 is a missed opportunity in ensuring that relief becomes a right, Down to Earth, New Delhi. Disaster Management (Amendment) Bill, 2024: A Missed Chance to Make Relief a Right (
Dash, B. 2024. Wayanad disaster: Need for multi-hazard early warning system (MHEWS), Down to Earth, New Delhi.
Sahoo, S & Dash, B, 2024. ‘For a Smooth Darshan’ 16 June OrisaPost Bhubaneswar, Editorial Page.
Dash, B. 2024. Evolution of Forecasting, IMD 150 Years, OrissaPOST, 26 Jan. Editorial Page, Bhubaneswar.
Dash, B. 2022. Building Resilient Coastal Infra Vital. OrissaPOST, Bhubaneswar Editorial Page. 10 May
Dash, B. 2022. Exploring Disaster Studies. Orissapost. Bhubaneswar. Editorial Page. 11 March.
Dash, B. 2021. Met forecast from societal perspective. Orissapost. Bhubaneswar. Editorial Page No. 6 5 Dec.
Dash, B. 2020. ‘The Pandemic: Stigma challenge for Corona Management in India’, Society for the Study of Peace and Conflict: New Delhi.
Dash, B. 2020. ‘Can India’s Emergency Response to Covid-19 be more systematic?’, Down to Earth,18 March, New Delhi.
Akhter, M. S. and Dash, B. 2020. ‘COVID-19: Global financial crisis could cripple Indian tea industry’, Down To Earth, 12th May: New Delhi.
Dash, B. 2020. ‘Working through disruptions’, Millenniumpost, New Delhi Edition, 8th April pp.7.
Dash, B. 2019. ‘Early Warning System for Flood: A View’,, Vol. 183 (July): 15-16.
Dash, B. 2019. ‘Odisha Government and IMD did a good job but could have done better’, Down To Earth, 12th May: New Delhi. Available at
Dash, B. 2018. ‘Disaster Score Card’ [Letter to Editor], Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. LIII (35): 5. Disaster Scorecards | Economic and Political Weekly (
Dash, B. 2017. 'Evolution and Genesis of Incident Command System in India', Kriti Kalp Vol. 5(1): 20-22.
Dash, B. 2015. ‘Community Adaptation to Flood: Kalana, Odisha’,, Vol. 124 (Jan) 8
Dash, B. 2014. Incident Command System for Crowd Management, Vol.16: 7
Dash, B. 2005. Badly Prepared, Down To Earth, Vol. 13(20).
Dash, B. 2003. Orissa Super Cyclone: A Case of Inadequate Warning, Asian Disaster Management News, Vol. 9 (1).
Dash, B. 2002. “Whither winds of Change” Down To Earth, Vol.10 (11).
Mishra, R.R., Mishra, V., Chaudhary, C. and Dash, B. 2006. An Introduction to Incident Command System. LBS National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie.
International Conference Proceedings as Full Papers
Kumar, K.J.A. And Dash, B. 2013. Community Preparedness for Cyclones in India: Analysis with case studies, Second International Conference on Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclone and Climate Change, WWRP2013-4, World Meteorological Organization: Geneva, pp-202-207.
Dash, B. 2007. Measuring Community Preparedness: A Monitoring Tool, in Innovative Initiatives in Disaster Risk Reduction Applied Research by Young Practitioners in South, South East and East Asia, Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre: Pathumthani, 109-117. (PDF) Measuring Community Preparedness: A Monitoring Tool | Biswanath Dash -
Dash, B. and Sharma, V.K. 2004. “Indicators for Disaster Preparedness” Global Symposium for Hazard Risk Reduction, World Bank Working Paper, World Bank: Washington: 83-94.