(2024): Pathak, D.C, and Chhugani, Dipti, "Does drought increase Intimate Partner Violence? Evidence from India", International Journal of Population Studies, https://doi.org/10.36922/ijps.3065SCOPUS indexed; This is an invited paper in an open-access journal with full APC waiver.
(2022): “Financial awareness: a bridge to financial inclusion”, Development in Practice, Vol. 32, Issue. 7 https://doi.org/10.1080/09614524.2022.2028731;SCOPUS indexed (with Kumar, R.)
(2022): “Poverty Changes among regions of Uttar Pradesh: A Decomposition Exercise during the 2000s”, Indian Economic Journal, Vol. 71, Issue.1, https://doi.org/10.1177/00194662231203455ABDC: B(with Sahoo, P. & M. Singh)
(2022): “Pro-poorness of Growth in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu: A Comparative Analysis during 2000s”, Economic and Political Weekly (EPW),Vol. 57, No. 24, 11 June, 2022 ; SCOPUSindexed; (with Sahoo,P.).
(2022): “Do Women Empowerment and Intimate Partner Violence Go Hand in Hand? Evidence from India”, Review of Development and Change, Vol. 27, Issue 2, pp. 238–263; https://doi.org/10.1177/09722661221132968; UGC Care-I, RePEc.
(2015): "Poverty Estimates in India: Old Versus New Methods, 2004-05", Poverty and Public Policy, vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 44-63. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/pop4.95SCOPUS indexed journal; (with Srijit Mishra)
Book Chapters:
Pathak, D. C. & Srijit Mishra (2013): "Poverty in India and Its Decompositions: A Critical Appraisal of the New Method" in the India Development Report, 2012-13 (ed. S Mahendra Dev), pp. 209-223, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
Pathak, D. C. & S. K. Pant (2009): "Micro Finance - A Magic Wand for Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study of SGSY" in Micro-Credit and Rural Development (eds. Thakur A K & Praveen Sharma), pp. 111-133, Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi.
Pathak, D. C. & S. K. Pant (2008): "Micro Finance: A Case Study of Jaunpur District" in Micro Finance and Poverty Eradication: Indian and Global Experiences (eds. Lazar D & P Palanichammy), pp. 469-491, New Century Publications, New Delhi.
Popular Press:
"The cryptocurrencies conundrum", Telangana Today, Opinion page, September 07, 2021.
"An exercise with little impact", Telangana Today, Opinion page, July 20, 2019.
"Getting the growth rate to go up", Telangana Today, Opinion page, July 03, 2019.
"We are the Nation", Telangana Today, Opinion page, November 28, 2018.
"Demonetisation demystied", Telangana Today, Opinion page, September 04, 2018.