
Prof. Vidya Rajesh

Department of Biological Sciences

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - Functional Genomics and Biomarker Profiling; Country Specific Epidemiological Studies;, Malaria vaccine candidates, Remediation of Environmental Pollutants Using Microbe - Biopolymer Composite Materials
Chamber No. A-116, Department of Biological Sciences, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
Hyderabad Campus
Jawahar Nagar, Kapra Mandal
Dist.-Medchal-500 078
Telangana, India

Research Interest of the group

Primary Research Interest: Molecular genetics of Human Diseases  

1.    Malaria 

  • Genetic Analysis of Malarial vaccine candidate antigens in Indian Isolates. 
  • Evaluation of drug resistance using ARMS PCR. 
  • Impact of Host Micro RNA on expression and pathogenicity of Malarial parasite

2.  Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): 

  • Nutritional interventions for ASD
  • Pathway analysis and protein Interactomes for ASD
  • Molecular Studies of herbal formulations for ASD
  • Genetic Analysis of candidate genes for ASD in Indian population.

Collaborative Research Interest: Environmental Bioremediation   

  • Microorganism and biopolymer composites based removal of toxic heavy metals, phosphate contamination, and desulfurization applications for  environmental remediation. 


Research Group 

Ongoing Ph. D students: 

1. Name of the Student: Manali Chindarkar (ID.No. 2023PHXF0009H);
Supervisor : Prof. Vidya Rajesh
Title of the Thesis :  Design and validation of efficacious diet formulations to mitigate gut dysbiosis in Autism Spectrum Disorder - Nutritional implications in ASD. 
Status: Ongoing. 
2. Name of the Student: Hruta Sundar Swain (ID.No. 2024PHXP0462H);
Supervisor : Prof. Onkar Kulkarni; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Vidya Rajesh and Prof. Balaram Ghosh. 
Title of the Thesis :  Molecular Studies on Bacopa monneri to evaluate the modulation of neuronal receptors for schizophrenia using cell based and mouse models. 
Status: Ongoing. 
3. Name of the Student: R. Parvathi (ID.No. 2024PHXP0413H);
Supervisor : Prof. N. Rajesh; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Vidya Rajesh.
Title of the Thesis :  Development of sustainable two dimensional layered and biopolymer based composites for the remediation of phosphate from water. 
Status: Ongoing. 

Completed Ph.D students: 

1. Name of the Student: MadhuPoornima Mamidala  (ID No. 2010PHXF802H);
Supervisor : Prof. Vidya Rajesh
Title of Thesis :  Autism Spectrum Disorder: Characterization of risk factors, co-morbid conditions and Herbal Medicines. 
Year of Completion : 2016.
2. Name of the Student: Mr. C.N. Rahul (ID.No. 2010PHXF801H);
Supervisor : Prof. Vidya Rajesh
Title of the Thesis :  Genetic and Structural Characterization of Serine Repeat Antigen (SERA)in the human malarial parasite Plasmodium from Indian Isolates
Year of Completion : 2016.
3. Name of the Student: Ms. Manasi Mudaliar ( ID No. 2010PHXF0432H ) 
Supervisor: Prof. Vidya Rajesh and Co-Supervisor: N. Rajesh.  
Title of the Thesis : Genetic, Metabolic and Physiological Studies of Indigeneous Halomonas BVR 1 isolated from Electronic Industry Effluent for Remediation of Heavy Metals.  
Year of Completion : 2017
4. Name of the Student: Ms. Sathvika T. ( ID No. 2013PHXF0406H); 
Supervisor: Prof. N. Rajesh; Co-Supervisor : Prof. Vidya Rajesh. 
Title of Thesis:  Immobilization of Microorganisms in suitable matrices for the Sequestration of chromium from Industrial Effluents. 
 Year of Completion : 2019.
5. Name of the Student: Mr. Arun Raj Balasubramanian (2017PHXF0415H)
Supervisor: Prof. N. Rajesh; Co-Supervisor: Prof.  Vidya Rajesh. 
Title of the Thesis: Efficacy of Appropriately Tailored Biopolymer and Carbonaceous Adsorbents for the Separation and Recovery of Europium 
Year of Completion : 2023