
Prof. Archana Srivastava      

Associate Professor,
Department of Economics and Finance

Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
Hyderabad Campus
Jawahar Nagar, Kapra Mandal
Dist.-Medchal-500 078
Telangana, India

Research Projects


Completed Projects:

  • Broad Theme: Global Trade and Economic Recovery in the Post Pandemic World, Duration: 2022-2023, Research Team: Mini Thomas, Archana Srivastava and Keerti Mallela, Funding Agencies: Monash University (Australia) and Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Indonesia

  • Funding Agency: National Human Rights Commission

Title: Women's Falling Participation in Labor Force in India - A Ground Level Investigation into the Factors and Obstacles in Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Telangana

Role: Co-Investigator

Grant Amount – 11.86 Lakhs

  • Funding Agency: Shastri Institutional Collaborative Research Grant (SICRG) 2020-21 by Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute

Title: Socio-Economic Impacts of Cyclones and the Coping Strategies of the Local Communities in Odisha, India with a Special Focus on Women

Role: Principal Investigator (In collaboration with Professor Dolagobinda Pradhan,  Kwantlen Polytechnic University)

Grant amount Rs.10 Lakhs

  • Funding Agency: ICSSR

Title: Impact of Modern Organized Multi Brand Retail Trade (MOMBRT) on Street Vendors: Case Study of Two Capital Cities (Hyderabad and Bhubaneswar)

Role: Principal Investigator

Grant Amount Rs. 4,50,000

  • Funding Agency: DVARA Research Foundation

Title: Urban Low-Income Households’ Savings: Understanding Issues and Challenges in Indian Context

Role: Co-Investigator

Grant Amount – 14,05,000

  • Funding Agency: Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (Macro Research Proposal Award 2018-19)

Title: Sustainability of Cashless Banking in Unorganized Retail Sector: A Comparative Study of Two Districts of Telangana

Role: Principal Investigator

Grant Amount: Rs. 2,50,000/.

  • Funding Agency: BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Title: Role of Informal Institutes for Small and Micro Entrepreneurs: An Empirical Assessment

Role: Principal Investigator

Grant Amount: Rs.1,82,000

Ongoing Projects:

  • Funded by Kotak School of Sustainability and IITK on the topic, "India and the ASEAN: Partial and General Equilibrium Analysis and it's Economy Wide Impact Including Carbon Emissions using Structural Gravity and Applied General Equilibrium Models", Rs.1010,000.00/, Role: Co-PI
  • Funding Agency: BITS Pilani, Title: Post Maternity Health Literacy (PMHL) among Working Women of Low Economic Strata in India: Challenges, Effects and Intervention through Training, Role: Principal Investigator (In collaboration with Dr. Bidisha Banerjee, BITS Pilani, Goa Campus, Grant Amount: Rs.20,000,00/- on the topic, “” (2023)