
Prof. Sarbani Banerjee Belur

Visiting Assistant Professor,
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
Hyderabad Campus
Jawahar Nagar, Kapra Mandal
Dist.-Medchal-500 078
Telangana, India

Experienced Academician and Researcher with over 18 years in academia, specializing in social impact of technology, rural technology development and innovation, digital inclusion of remote rural communities, women and technology, develop sustainable business models for projects, field implementation of projects, qualitative research studies and monitoring and evaluation of projects. A interdisciplinary researcher with proven project management skills, educator and mentor, have worked on international projects and collaborated with international researchers, published in journals, book chapters, reports and conference proceedings.

HSS F245: Gender, Science and Technology

This is an introductory course seeking to explore the relationship between gender, science and technology. The course is built around three broad issues: 1) the gender question in science and technology, 2) how science and technology can bring in gender equality and 3) Understanding science and technology through a gender lens. The first issue deals with questions related to access and representation of various genders within science, technology and engineering. The second one explores the issue with the help of case studies elaborating on how innovation and development in this space of science and technology has attempted at bringing about gender equality and equitable development. The third issue delves at a greater understanding of how science and technology policies, enable gender harmonization and integration. In this process, students will explore ideas and concepts within the realms of science, technology and engineering.  

GS F231: Dynamics of Social Change

The objective of the course is to enable the students analyse the nature of society, social processes, social institutions, socio-cultural and structural changes. Students will have a clear and brief understanding of the principal theoretical perspectives, factors, processes, patterns and consequences of social change. It will help students identify factors that stimulate or inhibits the acceptance of change and get a brief idea on present day social movements.


Banerjee, Higher Education and the Reproductive Life Course: a cross-cultural study of women in Karnataka (India) and the Netherlands, Ph.D. Thesis, Dutch University Press, Population Studies, Amsterdam, 2006 (ISBN 90 3610 035 6).


Banerjee, Reproductive career of women: comparison of the Netherlands and Andhra Pradesh in India, Master Thesis Series 03-1, Population Research Centre, University of Groningen, the Netherlands, 2003.


Journal Publications

U.Bhattarcharjee, S.Banerjee Belur, Restructuring intimacies during COVID-19: Women in Community Networks, Agenda, 2021

D.Radovanović, C.Holst, S.Banerjee Belur, R.Srivastava, G.V. Houngbonon, Erwan Le Quentrec, J. Miliza, A.S. Winkler, J. Noll, Digital literacy key performance indicators for sustainable development, Social Inclusion, Vol. 8. Issue 2, May 2020.

S.Falak, N.S.B Mohamed Ossman, Fasih ur Rehman, E.Melissa, S.Banerjee Belur and T.Zaman, Girls in STEM: An exploratory study of students perceptions, research paper published in conference proceedings of 12th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Application, 7-9 September, 2023, Dortmund, Germany

S.Ghosh, A.L.Marbaniang, A.B.Mahasrankintakam, R.Pajgade, S.Dutta, S.Banerjee Belur, M.Jensen, Bamboo towers: A low-cost and sustainable technology for connecting the unconnected regions, IEEE 4th 5G World Forum (5GWF) 2021.

Contributed Book Chapters

M.Khaturia, S.Banerjee and A.Karandikar (2017), TV White Space technology for affordable Internet connectivity in developing countries, Book Title: TV White Space Communications and Networks, Eds: Robert Stewart, David Crawford and Andrew Stirling, Elsevier Publications.

Banerjee (2012), Communal violence and women in the context of Gujarat, Eds: Uday Mehta and Ram Puniyani: Book Title: Sectarianism, Politics and Development, Rawat Publications.

S.Banerjee Belur, I.Brudvig, Community networks as infrastructures of resistance: Re-centering the needs of women and communities in technology making and connectivity,, December 2021

S.Banerjee Belur, A. Raj and R. Srivastava, Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP): An opportunity for funding rural internet connectivity in India, Community Networks: Towards sustainable funding models, Official Outcome of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3), FGV Direito Rio Edition, 2021.

C.Rey-Moreno, P.Bloom, K.Diga, M.Jensen, K.V.Ramos, N.Brock, C.Baca and S.Banerjee Belur, Funding bottom-up connectivity: Approaches and challenges of community networks to sustain themselves, Community Networks: Towards sustainable funding models, Official Outcome of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3), FGV Direito Rio Edition, 2021.

S. Banerjee Belur, Ramprasad.V, From ethno-biodiversity and cultural conservation to sustainability: Case study of Aaple Pathardi community network, Global Information Society Watch 2021, Technology, the environment and a sustainable world: responses from the global South, published by Association for Progressive Communications (2021). pp 142-147

S. Banerjee Belur (2018), Addressing sustainability in rural connectivity: A case study of Gram Marg community-led networks, Book Title: Global Information Society Watch 2018, Community Networks, published by Association for Progressive Communications (APC).

S.Banerjee Belur, M.Khaturia and N.P.Rao (2017), Community led networks for sustainable rural broadband in India: The case study of Gram Marg, Book Title: Community Networks: the Internet by the people for the people, Official 2017 Outcome of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Dynamic Coalition on community connectivity (DC3).

Conference Proceedings

G.L.C.Wyai, R.McMahon, S.Banerjee Belur, C.B.Feldman, A.Wan, Community Networks School, Workshop, Participatory Design Conference 2024, PDC '24: Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2024: Exploratory Papers and Workshops - Volume 2, Pages 203 - 206

M.Khaturia, J.Singh, A.Patil, S.Banerjee Belur, A.Karandikar, P.Chaporkar and T.Ghadge, Towards Frugal 5G: A case study of Palghar test-bed in India, 019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshop (WCNCW), April 2019.

Nicola J Bidwell, Melissa Densmore, André van Zyl, Sarbani Banerjee Belur, Nicolas Pace, Artful Integrations of infrastructure for community-based telecoms, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Communities & Technologies-Transforming Communities, June 2019.

S.Banerjee Belur, M.Khaturia and N.P. Rao, Community led networks for sustainable rural broadband in India: The case study of Gram Marg, Paper presented at Internet Governance Forum 2017 at United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, December 18-21, 2017.

S.Banerjee, F. Khan, A new approach to computer science curriculum for Indian students, 3rd International conference on EduExcellence, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, December 29-31, 2011.

S.Banerjee, C. Dasgupta and F. Khan, From computer literacy to digital literacy: A focus on digital storytelling, E India, 2011, Ahmedabad, December 16-18, 2011.

S.Banerjee, F. Khan, Computer Education in schools in India: the role of FOSS, Conference on Open-Source India, Bengaluru, November 20-22, 2011.

H.Matsuo, S. Banerjee and I. Hutter, First marriage and first birth patterns by educational attainment in the transiting societies, the Netherlands, Japan and Southern India, The Population Association of America, Boston, USA, April 1-3, 2004.

S.Banerjee, Strategising first birth across birth cohorts and cultures, Paper in the poster session: Fertility and Family, The Population Association of America, Minneapolis, USA, May 1-3, 2003.

S.Banerjee, H. Matsuo and I. Hutter, Low fertility level and the position of women in society: has the second demographic transition arrived in India?, The Indian Association for the Study of Population, Mumbai, February 13-15, 2003.

S.Banerjee, Status of women: a bottom-line investigation in India, The 2000 EastWest Centre International Conference, ‘Building an Asia Pacific Community’, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 4-8, 2000.

S.Banerjee, A prologue to the violence against women in India, The International Women’s Conference. Organised by McMaster University Hamilton, Canada at New Delhi, February 27th to March 3rd, 2001.

S.Banerjee, Sex disparity in infant and child mortality in India and major states, The Indian Association for the Study of Population (IASP) organised by Institute of Economic Growth, UNFPA and Population Foundation of India, New Delhi, February 14-16, 2000.

Published Research Reports

S.Banerjee Belur, T.Sircar and A.Iyer, (2024) An exploratory study of adoption and usage of technology by rural women for entrepreneurship and empowerment, research report published by Centre for Development Policy and Practices, supported by Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF), DOI No: 10.5281/zenodo.12568025

S.Banerjee Belur, S.Sugavanam and R.Srivastava, Community Radio enabling women’s empowerment in remote communities of India, Research report, February 2022.

Bamboo for community networks: A plantation manual for Green Tower infrastructure (2023)

IEEE report on Digital inclusion, identity, trust and agency (DIITA): Program report on Industry connections, November 2022

S.Banerjee Belur, I.Brudvig, Community networks as infrastructures of resistance: Re-centering the needs of women and communities in technology making and connectivity,, December 2021

Planning for BharatNet Phase 2: A report on IIT Bombay BharatNet planning tool, March 2017.

Study and evaluation of Left-Wing Extremist (LWE) project: An assessment report by IIT Bombay, November 2017.






  • Department of Science and Technology ‘Science and Technology for women’ special invite for brainstorming session in Ahmedabad 2024
  • Awarded First Prize in the Technical Concept category at the IEEE Connecting the Unconnected Challenge 2021 for pioneering the 'Bamboo towers' project, enhancing affordable internet access in remote rural areas.

  • Runners up of Global Maker Challenge 2017 (cohort 1) by Mohammed Bin Rashid Initiative for Global Prosperity
  • Recipient of the Impact. Engineered award 2018 for the category 'Connecting the unconnected' in New York, USA. This award is instituted by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and Engineering for Change (E4C).
  • Received the Impactful Research Award from the Industrial Research and Consultancy Centre (IRCC), IIT Bombay, in 2017 for significant contributions to applied research.
  • Secured First Prize in the Mozilla Equal Rating Innovation Challenge 2017 for the 'Gram Marg solution for Rural Broadband', recognized for innovative approaches to increasing internet connectivity in rural regions.
  • Advisory Council Member, Digital Equity Accelerator (2022)

  • Won First Prize for the poster presentation at the Population Association of America 2003, Minneapolis, USA. The poster titled 'Strategising first birth across birth cohorts and cultures' was acclaimed for its insightful analysis in the session on Fertility and Family.