
Dr. Sourav Nandi

Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani
Hyderabad Campus
Jawahar Nagar, Kapra Mandal
Dist.-Medchal-500 078
Telangana, India


EEE G581 RF & Microwave Engineering

ECE F314 EM Fields and Microwave Engineering

ECE F312 EM Fields and Microwave Engineering Lab

EEE F474 Antenna Theory and Design

EEE G510 RF Microelectronics

EEE F111 Electrical Sciences

SS ZG520 Wireless and Mobile Communications (WILP)

EEE/ECE/INSTR/CS F241 Microprocessor Programming and Interfacing (Tutorial & Lab)

EEE/ECE F311 Communication Systems (Lecture)