ICEBM 2025 welcomes research articles (Extended Abstract and/or Poster) from all domains of management, with a focus on sustainability. An indicative list of domains and sub-domains is mentioned below for the benefit of interested participants.
- Evidence Based Management in Marketing:Sales Management; B2B Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, New Product/Service Development, Product Mix and Brand Management, Relationship Marketing, Rural Consumers, Social Media Marketing.
- Evidence Based Management in Finance & Economics: Asset pricing, corporate finance, Corporate Governance, Disclosures and Earnings Quality, Financial Institutions and Market Linkages, Micro-finance, Market Micro-Structure, Derivatives and Regulation.
- Evidence Based Management in Operations Management:Service Operations, Inventory Management, Marketing and OM Interface, Revenue Management and Pricing, Quality Control, Supply Chain Risk Management, Sustainable Operations Management, Supply Chain Analytics, Technology and Operations Management.
- Evidence Based Management in Human Resource Management: Human Resource Outsourcing, Strategic HRM, Talent Acquisition and Retention, Performance Management, Reward and Recognition, Industrial Relations, Culture and Diversity, Executive Coaching and Leadership, Human Capital Standards and Analytics,
- Evidence Based Management in Strategic Management and Business Policy: Emerging Market Firms’ Strategies, New models of Multinational Firm Strategies, Entrepreneurship in India, Industry Restructuring and Evolution, Global M&A, Innovations at the Bottom of the Pyramid, Corporate Sustainability.
- Evidence Based Management in Information Technology Management: Advances in Management of Information Systems, Decision Support and Expert System, E-Commerce, Auctions and Pricing, Information Security issues.