Call for Papers

ICEBM 2025 welcomes research articles from all domains of management, with a focus on sustainability. An indicative list of domains and sub-domains is mentioned below for the benefit of interested participants.

  1. Evidence Based Management in Marketing:Sales Management; B2B Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, New Product/Service Development, Product Mix and Brand Management, Relationship Marketing, Rural Consumers, Social Media Marketing.
  2. Evidence Based Management in Finance & Economics: Asset pricing, corporate finance, Corporate Governance, Disclosures and Earnings Quality, Financial Institutions and Market Linkages, Micro-finance, Market Micro-Structure, Derivatives and Regulation.
  3. Evidence Based Management in Operations Management:Service Operations, Inventory Management, Marketing and OM Interface, Revenue Management and Pricing, Quality Control, Supply Chain Risk Management, Sustainable Operations Management, Supply Chain Analytics, Technology and Operations Management.
  4. Evidence Based Management in Human Resource Management: Human Resource Outsourcing, Strategic HRM, Talent Acquisition and Retention, Performance Management, Reward and Recognition, Industrial Relations, Culture and Diversity, Executive Coaching and Leadership, Human Capital Standards and Analytics,
  5. Evidence Based Management in Strategic Management and Business Policy: Emerging Market Firms’ Strategies, New models of Multinational Firm Strategies, Entrepreneurship in India, Industry Restructuring and Evolution, Global M&A, Innovations at the Bottom of the Pyramid, Corporate Sustainability.
  6. Evidence Based Management in Information Technology Management: Advances in Management of Information Systems, Decision Support and Expert System, E-Commerce, Auctions and Pricing, Information Security issues.