Submission Details

The selection of paper will be made on their importance and interest to a wide range of delegates. Please indicate the track to which your paper fits the best.

Guidelines for preparation of the extended abstract:

  • A separate Title Page mentioning the Author(s) Full name, designation(s), affiliation, telephone/mobile, and email ID. Please select the corresponding author. Sample Title Page is provided as a reference template.
  • For the Blind review process, Extended Abstracts (4-5 pages including References) should describe the research gaps, objective(s) of research, hypotheses/research question(s), data collection and analysis strategy;
    and finally, a brief summary of the main contributions and originalities of the work. Sample Extended Abstract File is provided as a reference template. It should not contain any information related to the author(s) identity.

Guidelines for the preparation of the Poster:

  • Please prepare your poster using this Poster Template. You may edit the content of each section, keeping all the headers intact. You are not allowed to resize any section on your own. Any incomplete poster with missing author name/affiliation/designation or blank section will not considered for further selection.

Important Note: The selection of your submission(s) will be decided on their significant contribution and alignment to the broad theme of the conference. Please indicate the track to which your paper fits the best. Submissions should be submitted only through the online link provided on the conference website by the deadline specified. The extended abstracts/posters will be accepted and subjected to blind review, and participants should incorporate appropriate changes as per the feedback provided by the reviewers.