Guidelines for Abstract Submission for Oral and Poster
- The abstract should be written in clear, concise English and include an interesting summary of the research.
- Font types: Times New Roman
- Font size:
- Title: 14
- List of authors: 12
- Affiliations: 10
- Presenting author's email: 10
- Main body of the text: 12
- Key Words: 12
- The abstract's total word count shouldn't be more than 250. Underline the name of the presenting author in the abstract.
- Abstract body: The abstract must include the Background, methodology, results, conclusion, and keywords.
- Abbreviations and acronyms should be defined at initial usage, excluding those for units of measurement and those that are well-known or extensively used.
Uniqueness, plagiarism, moral approval, and copyright: The originality of the research, the abstract, and the posters must all be guaranteed by the authors.
- Additionally, it is the author's duty to see that all data and research presented at this congress have received the proper ethical and regulatory permission, if applicable.
- The submission of the abstract is permitted only through the provided link. Abstracts will not be considered which were submitted through email.
The author of the presentation (oral/poster) must be a paid delegate to the conference.
- During the closing remarks, "Best Oral and Poster Presentation awards" will be handed to the papers that an impartial jury determined to be the best in both the oral and poster sessions.
In case of any queries, please address correspondence to with the subject "Queries Abstract Submission."
Note: The authors will be notified via email by 31st Jan 2024 of the abstract's acceptance or rejection.