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Mobile and Personal Communications Lab


  • Mobile and Personal Communications Laboratory is an advanced course in communication engineering where the focus of study is on next generation wireless systems.
  • Next generation wireless systems have to meet the challenges of having high data rates, low power consumption and low BER (bit error rate) at the same time.

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Scope of the Lab

  • During the course thestudent will learn how to use‘’LabVIEW” in general. They will focus on signal processing and USRP libraries of LabVIEW. They will also learn how to use code written in MATLAB as part of LabVIEW project.
  • Students will learn how to configure and interface NI USRP hardware module with LabVIEW.
  • They will design, implement and test various pulse shaping and modulation schemes for next generation wireless communication systems.
  • Performance measures like BER are calculated and schemes arevarious compared.

Simulation Software

  • LabVIEW

Application Areas

  • Machine to machine communication system
  • Software defined radio
  • Cooperative networks
  • Heterogeneous networks
  • 5G cellular networks
  • MIMO communications

Lab Equipment

NI USRP Software defined
radio platform interfaced with
2 NI USRP-2943R
NI USRP-2922

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