
Biswanath Layek

Associate Professor, Department of Physics,
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology
Department of Physics, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, Office : 2219-E , Rajasthan, India.

Brief Bio 

Research Topics

  • Theoretical studies of gravitational waves from isolated pulsars
  • Understanding pulsar (neutron star) glitches through theoretical models 
  • Probing the phases of pulsar core by studying various observable consequences 
  • Topological defects in the early universe : observational consequences
  • Baryogenesis through electroweak phase transition
  • Implications of various phase transitions in the early universe


  • "Effects of Phase Transition in a Pulsar Core on Pulse Profile Modulation"; ICPAQGP - 2023; Blue Lily Beach Resort, Puri ; 7th - 10th February 2023.
  • “Probing phase transitions in a pulsar core through the observable effects on pulse profile modulation" ; XXV DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium ; IISER, Mohali, 12th - 16th December 2022.
  • "Bursts of gravitational waves due to crustquake from pulsars" ; 30th meeting of the Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation(IAGRG), organized by BITS - Pilani, Hyderabad, 3rd  - 5th January 2019.
  • "Probing Dynamics of Phase Transition Occurring Inside a Pulsar" ; 7th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark-Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP-2005), Kolkata, India, 2nd - 6th February 2015.
  • "Probing Dynamics of Phase Transition Occurring Inside a Pulsar" ; XXI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium ; IIT Guwahati, 8th - 12th December 2014.
  • “Strings with a Confining Core in a Quark-Gluon Plasma” ;TIFR, Mumbai, India, 2005 and Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, India, 2005.
  • "Strings with a Confining Core in a Quark-Gluon Plasma” ;Vth International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark-Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP-2005), Kolkata, India, 8th - 12th February 2005.
  • “Baryogenesis via Density Fluctuations with a Second Order Electroweak Phase Transition” ; IXth International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology (PASCOS-2003), TIFR, Mumbai, India, 3rd - 8th January 2003.
  • Implications of Cosmic String Induced Density Fluctuations at the Quark Hadron Transition" QCD-2002, IIT Kanpur, India, 18th - 22nd November 2002.


  • Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar on sabbatical leave during June - December 2013

  • Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology (WHEPP- XI), Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, 2nd Jan- 10th Jan, 2010.

  • QGP Meet’06, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, 2006. 

  • Supercomputing Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collision (SRHIC) Physics, TIFR, Mumbai, India, 2005. 

  • Vth International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics Quark-Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP-2005), Kolkata, India, 2005. 

  • QGP Meet’04, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India, 2004. 

  • Summer School in Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, ICTP, Italy, 2004. 

  • Workshop on High Energy Astrophysics (HEAP’04), IIT, Kharagpur, 2004. 

  • VIIIth Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology (WHEPP-8), IIT Bombay, Mumbai, 2004. 

  • QGP Meet’03, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, 2003. 

  • IXth International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology (PASCOS-2003), TIFR, Mumbai, 2003.

  • International Workshop “QCD-2002”, IIT Kanpur, 2002. 

  • XVIIth SERC School in Theoretical High Energy Physics, IoP, Bhubaneswar, 2002. 

  • School on Cosmology and Formation of Structures in the Universe, HRI, Allahabad, 2001. 

  • IVth International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark-Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP-2001), Jaipur, India, 2001. 

  • XVIth SERC School in Theoretical High Energy Physics, HRI, Allahabad, 2001. 

PhD Students
  • Student    :  Dr. Pradeepkumar Yadav (completed)
  • Thesis      :  Theoretical Studies of a Few Pulsar Observables 
  • Based on  :
  1. Vortex unpinning due to crustquake initiated neutron excitation and pulsar glitches; Biswanath Layek and Pradeepkumar Yadav; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,499, 455 (2020).
  2. Bursts of gravitational waves due to crustquake from pulsars; Biswanath Layek and Pradeepkumar Yadav; J Astrophysics Astron 41,  14 (2020)
  • Student : Deepthi Godaba Venkata (ongoing)
  • Articles published/submitted          : 
  1. Glitches due to quasineutron-vortex scattering in the superfluid inner crust of a pulsar; Biswanath Layek, Deepthi Godaba Venkata and Pradeepkumar Yadav;  Physical Review D 107, 023004 (2023)
  2. Detecting superfluid transition in the pulsar core; Partha Bagchi, Biswanath Layek, Dheeraj Saini, Anjishnu Sarkar, Ajit M. Srivastava and Deepthi Godaba Venkata; Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society;   arXiv:2403.11539
  •  Student :  Brijesh Kumar Saini (ongoing)