The Department of Chemical Engineering at BITS-Pilani, Pilani Campus is one of the premier departments in the country that provides a unique educational and research environment. We have a major emphasis on interdisciplinary and industrial collaborations. Our primary missions are to educate undergraduate and graduate students, and to discover and disseminate knowledge through research. The Department is committed to achieving excellence in these activities, and evaluates the success and leadership of its programs using the highest standards of quality, innovation, & visibility, while at the same time providing a friendly and supportive atmosphere. Our goal is to provide to our students strong fundamentals complemented by professional skills including communication. Our other important goal is to produce students and faculty who will become leaders in their areas.
To excel in teaching/learning, innovative research and industry engagement and to disseminate the same in order to become a world leader in chemical engineering and allied interdisciplinary areas.
To impart quality education and training in chemical engineering and associated fields to enable the students to imbibe technical and analytical skills through the culture of logical and critical thinking.
To inculcate sense of social and environmental responsibility among students which inspires them to apply chemical engineering principles in solving industrial problems through sustainable and eco-friendly technologies for the betterment of industry and nation.
To establish modern infrastructure and conducive research environment for carrying out academic and sponsored research.
To foster spirit of excellence and professional leadership in students and faculty members through exposure to leading academic institutions, research organizations and external experts.
To generate suitable opportunities for sustained interaction and collaboration with academia and industry.
The department is capable of undertaking contract research projects sponsored by a company, commercial organization or institution with a predefined work scope and schedule. We also can work closely with companies to define project goals and tailor the project to meet specific needs.
Ph.D. Topic - Advanced membranes for CO2 separation from flue gas and biogas
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Dr Bhanu Vardhan Reddy Kuncharam,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Experimental scalability and Life cycle assessment studies on the Anaerobic digestion of foodwaste
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Dr. Smita Raghuvanshi,
Co. Supervisor -
Prof. Sunil Prasad Lohani
Ph.D. Topic - Catalyst development for the production of sustainable liquids from hydrogenation of carbon-based fuels
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Prof. Srinivas Appari,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Water Treatment
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Dr. Somak Chatterjee,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Application of bimetallic nanoparticle stabilized foam for petroleum-contaminated soil remediation.
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Dr. Pradipta Chattopadhyay,
Co. Supervisor -
Dr Banasri Roy,
Ph.D. Topic - Design and Optimization of a Packed Bed Column for the Continuous Removal of Pollutants using Nanosized Sorbents Immobilized on Porous Support
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Dr. Suresh Gupta,
Co. Supervisor -
Jitendra Panwar,
Ph.D. Topic - Electronic, Optical, Morphological and Transport property study of conducting polymers for Organic-electronics
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Dr. Sarbani Ghosh,
Co. Supervisor -
Dr Mohit Garg,
Ph.D. Topic - Mixed Matrix Membranes for separation of CO2 for upgradation of Biogas to Bio-Compressed Natural Gas (BIO-CNG)
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Dr Bhanu Vardhan Reddy Kuncharam,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Biochar from agricultural residue: production and characterization
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Dr Pratik N Sheth,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Synthesis and fabrication of novel electrode materials for lead detection in water
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Dr. Somak Chatterjee,
Co. Supervisor -
Dr. Krishna C. Etika,
Ph.D. Topic - Biosurfactant production and optimization in a fed-batch fermenter using a non-pathogenic bacterium,it's recovery, and application in nanoparticle synthesis
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Dr. Amit Jain,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Process Monitoring of Non-linear Industrial System using Machine Learning
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Dr. Ajaya Kumar Pani,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Process design and integration of refuse derived fuel (RDF) gasification in cement manufacturing process
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Dr Pratik N Sheth,
Co. Supervisor -
Ph.D. Topic - Hydrogen production by low temperature steam reforming of ethanol using modified Ni-Sn/CeO2 catalysts
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Dr Banasri Roy,
Co. Supervisor -
Prof. Srinivas Appari,
Ph.D. Topic - Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) investigation of the hydrodynamics of a bench-scale fluidized bed of Geldart A particles.
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Dr Priya C Sande,
Co. Supervisor -
Dr Hare Krishna Mohanta,
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS), Shimadzu. AA-7000
Gas Chromatograph (GC), Shimadzu, GC-2014
Gas Chromatograph (GC), Nucon. NUCON 5765
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR), Perkin Elmer, Frontier
Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC), Perkin Elmer, DSC-4000
Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA), Perkin Elmer, TGA-4000
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Perkin Elmer, FLEXAR
BET Surface Area Analyzer, Smart Instrument Co. Pvt.Ltd., SMART SORB 92/93
Automatic Potentiometric Titrator, Spectra Lab Instrument Pvt.Ltd., AT-38C
UV/ VIS Spectrophotometer, Thermo Scientific, EVOLUTION 201
Rota Vapor, Buchi, R-210
Ion Meter, Hanna, HI 4522
Flue Gas Analyzer, Indus, FGA 53X
Digital Viscometer, S.N. Scientific Supplier, LT 730
Cooling Micro Centrifuge, Remi Elektrotechnik Ltd., CM-12 Plus
High Speed Centrifuge, Remi Elektrotechnik Ltd., CPR- 24
Foam Analyzer, Kruss, DFA 100
Volume Analyzer, Metrohm, VA-797
Aspen Plus
ANSYS 18.1
COMSOL Multiphysics 5.6
Cosmo Therm
BOD Incubator Shaker, Macro Scientific, MSW -132
Temperature Control Shaker Bath, Julabo, SW- 22
Laminar Hood Chamber, Macro Scientific, MSW -161
Stack Sampler, Envirotech Instrument, APM -620
Orsat Apparatus,
Refractometer, Goko
Water Analysis Kit, Macro Scientific, MSW-551
Corbon Dioxide Analyser, Quantech Instrument, 906
Resipirable Dust Sampler, Envirotech Instrument, APM-460
High Volume Sampler, Envirotech Instrument, APM-430
Hot Air Oven, Macro Scientific, MSW-211
Ultrasonic Processor, Sonic Vibra Cell
Hot Plate Magenatic Stirrer, Macro Scientific, MSHP-550
Ultrasonic Cleaner, Labman Scientific, LMUC-25
Laminar Air Flow, Weiber, ACM-916
Autoclave Vertical, Macro Scientific, MSW-101
Ultrapure Water Purification System, Millipore
Syringe Pump, Unigenetics, NE-1600 / NE-300
Aniline Point Apparatus, Wadegati Lab. Equipment
Cloud and Pour Point Tester, Wadegati Lab. Equipment
Carbon Residue Conradson, Wadegati Lab. Equipment
Copper Strip Corrosion Bath, Wadegati Lab. Equipment
Single Distillation Apparatus, Wadegati Lab. Equipment
Cleveland Open Cup Flashpoint, Wadegati Lab. Equipment
Pensky Marten Flashpoint, Wadegati Lab. Equipment
Reid Vapour Pressure Apparatus, Wadegati Lab. Equipment
Saybolt Viscometer, Wadegati Lab. Equipment
Softening Point of Bitumen, Wadegati Lab. Equipment
Red wood Viscometer-1, Popular Science Pvt. Ltd.
Red wood Viscometer-2, Popular Science Pvt. Ltd.
Engler Viscometer Apparatus, Popular Science Pvt. Ltd.
Penetrometer Apparatus, Popular Science Pvt. Ltd.
Bomb Calorimeter Apparatus, Popular Science Pvt. Ltd.
Drop Point Apparatus, Popular Science Pvt. Ltd.
Melting Point Apparatus, Popular Science Pvt. Ltd.
Smoke Point Apparatus, Popular Science Pvt. Ltd.
Carbon & Sulphur Determination Apparatus, Popular Science Pvt. Ltd.
Oxidation Stability of Mineral Insulation Oil, Popular Science Pvt. Ltd.
Bath for Existent Gum 5 Tests, Popular Science Pvt. Ltd.
Continuous Adsorption Set-up
Biofilter Column Set-up
Biomass Gasifier
Pyrolysis Unit
Reactive Distillation Set-up
Air-Lift Bioreactor
Fluidized Bed Pyrolysis Unit
Fixed Bed Reactor
Applications are invited from interested and motivated candidates for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work on a research project funded by HINDALCO Industries Limited under the Supervision of Dr. Jay Pandey, Department of Chemical Engineering, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan.
Applications are invited from interested and motivated candidates for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work on a research project funded by Council of Industrial and Scientific Research (CSIR) under the Supervision of Prof. Banasri Roy, Department of Chemical Engineering, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan.
Applications are invited from interested and motivated candidates for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work on a research project funded by HINDALCO Industries Limited under the Supervision of Dr. Jay Pandey, Department of Chemical Engineering, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, Rajasthan.
Applications are invited from interested and motivated candidates for the post of Research Fellow to work on a research project under the Supervision of Smita Raghuvanshi Chemical Engineering and Pilani Campus, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, Rajasthan.
Head of Department, Department of Chemical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani - 333031 (Rajasthan) India
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