
Dr. Veena Ramachandran

Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

6170-C, New Academic Building, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani- 333031, Rajasthan. India.


(Post-review) Ramachandran, Veena. (2024). New India's Public Sphere: De-legitimization, Co-option and Control. Global Media and Communication.

Kumar, Amit and Ramachandran, Veena. (2024). Freefalling Afghanistan: A Pictorial Journey Through Two-and-a-half Years of Taliban Rule [Photo Essay]. The SAIS Review of International Affairs, April 28, Civil Society, Middle East, Freefalling Afghanistan: A Pictorial Journey Through Two-and-a-Half Years of Taliban Rule - The SAIS Review of International Affairs (

Ramachandran, Veena. (2024). Harmonizing Ethnicity at the Contested Borderlands: A Case Study of Uyghurs of Xinjiang. In M.R. Debata & S. Hanova (Eds.), India and Inner Asia (pp. 28-43). New Delhi: Routledge.

Kumar, Amit and Ramachandran, Veena. (2024). Unpacking the Nexus: Taliban's Control over Affiliated Groups [monograph]. Mehr Brief, Afghan Institute of Strategic Studies, 09, 1-24. 

Ramachandran, Veena and Kumar, Amit (2024). Afghan -Sino Relations: A Different Mindset. A Different Outcome? Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, January 17, Afghan-Sino Relations: A Different Mindset. A Different Outcome? | GJIA (

Ramachandran, Veena. (2023). Secularism with Chinese Characteristics: Xi Jinping's Sinicization of Islam in XinjiangTamkang Journal of International Affairs, 26(3), 1-71.

Kumar, Amit and Ramachandran, Veena. (2023). [Book Review of Taliban: The Story of the Afghan Warlords by A. Rashid]. BRIQ Belt & Road Initiative, 5(1), 90-92.

Ramachandran, Veena. (2023). Harmonization to Exceptionalism: The Trajectory of Post-Civil War Sino-Sri Lankan Relations. World Affairs, 186 (2), 384-413. 

Kumar, Amit and  Ramachandran, Veena. (2022).  [Book Review of Islam in China by James Frankel]. Central Asian Survey,41(4), 818-19. 

Kumar, Amit and  Ramachandran, Veena. (2022). Who Passes the Double Standard Test in Al-Zawahiri's Assassination? Institute for Security and Development Policy, 14 December. 

Ramachandran, Veena. (2022). 'Occupy Temple Trees': Sri Lanka's disgruntlement towards neo-elites is on the cards next, Eurasia Review, 22 July.

Ramachandran, V (2022) Islam with Chinese Characteristics: China's ethno-religious challenge, Eurasia Review, 21 July.

Ramachandran, V (2020) China Expanding its clout in Sri Lanka's Politics, after dominating economy, The WEEK, 29 July. 

China as a World Leader: Assessing Implications of COVID-19, BRI and a “Global Common Destiny”, 8 May 2020 , 9JXlo7euEQ31ObNwIZx4hGF_9kan4OfpiwefIBnYgf4kWJmUINx5UOw  

BRI: Neutralizing Xinjiang and Legitimizing Stability-Security Paradigm, 12 June 2019,

Ramachandran, Veena. (2018). China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: The Uyghur Challenge and the Chinese Security Model, The Diplomat, 30 March. 

Ramachandran, Veena. (2017) Redefining China's Xinjiang Policy: Rhetoric or Reality? International Area Studies Review, 20 (3), 273–290. 

Gupta, Sonika. and Ramachandran, Veena (2016) Bilingual Education in Xinjiang in the Post-2009 Period. China Report, 52 (4), 306-323.

Ramachandran, Veena. (2016) Critical Examination of the Stability Discourse in ChinaIndian Journal of Political Science, LXXVII (1), 85-92.

Ramachandran, Veena. (2013). Uyghur Separatism and Stability Discourse in China. Pp 56-67. in D. Subha Chandran, Teshu Singh and Namrata Hasija (eds) Inside China: New Leadership, Social Change, and Economic Challenges Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies Asian Security Series, New Delhi: Samskriti Publishers.

Ramachandran, Veena. (2011). Indian Federalism in Transitionary Phase: From Asymmetry to Multiculturalism. In G. Gopakumar (ed.), Foreign Policy, Federalism, and International Treaties, New Delhi: New Century Publications.