Funding Agency, Title of Project [Year], Amount in Rs.
B.I.T.S Pilani, "Design and Development of robotic exoskeleton for upper limb rehabilitation and assistance", [April 2011-March 2013], 1.51 Million.
Ministry of Information and Technology, (MIT) "Development, Design and Engineering of 28-DOF Humanoid to avoid obstacles and handle specified objects in the environment", [April 2012-March 2015], 4.5 Million.
Indo-US S&T Forum Research Fellowship to Pursue research in the areas of Rehabilitation Robotics (Physical Health) in the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Illinois, affiliated to Northwestern University (Feb 17th - 15th July 2013), 1.12 Million.)
ISRO – Propulsion Research Center, Mahendragiri, India, received Purchase Order for Product "Development of a Robotic system to access the engine nozzle divergent for mounting nozzle closure at CE20 HAT facility", worth 4.6 Million for a duration of 18 months. (Funding Expected in Sept 2023)