1. Project Title: "Analyzing the determinants of water stress, household resilience, and awareness for alternative water sources in Coastal India"
Sponsoring agency: BITS, Pilani under the CDRF-II Call [C2/24/233]
Role: Principal Investigator
Duration: 24 months (2024-2026)
Sponsored amount: Rs. 20, 00, 000
2. Project Title: "Measuring the Vulnerability of Agricultural Households to Climate Change in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of Rajasthan - A Capacity to Adapt Perspective"
Sponsoring agency: Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)and MHRD, New Delhi under the IMPRESS scheme[F.No. IMPRESS/P2383/635/2018-19/ICSSR]
Role: Principal Investigator
Duration: 24 months (2019-2021) Submitted Report
Sponsored amount: Rs. 8, 00, 000
Other Project Awarded and Declined
Project Title: "Health and Environmental Impact of Pesticide Use Versus Organic Farming: A Case of Two Districts in Rajasthan"
Sponsoring agency: Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)and MHRD, New Delhi under the IMPRESS scheme[File No. IMPRESS/P2447 /2018-19/ICSSR]
Role: Principal Investigator
Duration: 18 months (2019-2021)
Sponsored amount: Rs. 6, 00, 000
Sponsored Workshops
1) Scholarship for attending SANDEE Summer School 2019 in Environmental and Resource Economics ($3,500) held at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Bangkok during 5th to 19th May, 2019.
2) Research and Training workshop jointly conducted by SANDEE and ICIMOD, held in Kathmandu, Nepal during June 12-15,2019.