Title: “Designing Optimal and Targeted Advertisement Campaign Strategy for Online E-Commerce Platforms using AI and Machine Learning” Sponsored Organization: rBoomerang Retail Commerce Technologies India Private Limited. Amount Sanctioned- INR 36.2784 Lakhs (Co-PI).
Title: “Five years of the e-NAM platform: Examining factors influencing its adoption and primary usage across product categories and states” Sponsored Organization: National Institute of Agricultural Marketing. Amount Sanctioned- INR 5 Lakhs (Co-PI).
Projects Completed
Title: “Modeling of Employee Performance and Human Capital, Assessment and Optimization of Productivity of Indian Manufacturing Industry” Sponsored Organization: Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). Amount Sanctioned- Rs. 5, 00,000.
FDP/ Workshop
Course Director of 10 days research methodology course for M.Phil./PhD/PDF scholars sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) held during 17th-26th February 2020. Amount Sanctioned- Rs. 5, 50,000.