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Research Scholars

BITS actively promotes research to its students and staff to facilitate innovation. Students conduct research projects as part of their curriculum. For teachers, it's an opportunity to assimilate and disseminate knowledge while also creating new knowledge. Furthermore, BITS has devised innovative schemes to enable professionals at large to conduct research at their workplace while also working toward the Institute's PhD degree.

Why choose BITS Pilani for your research project?

Research is an integral and important part of any higher education system. BITS Pilani actively promotes research among its staff and students. Besides basic research, which is the backbone of any applied research, the Institute also gives adequate importance and support to applied research.

Research at BITS relies on the motivated intellectual manpower pool available among its staff and students. Students undertake research projects as a component of their education program itself. Teachers conduct research as an integral part of their responsibilities since this enables them to assimilate and disseminate knowledge as well as generate new knowledge. Besides this, BITS has devised innovative schemes to enable professionals at large to conduct research at their place of work and simultaneously work for the PhD degree of the Institute.

At BITS Pilani, the faculty are encouraged to publish their findings in reputed journals and present papers at conferences. Support is given to participate in national and international conferences and thereby network with experts from India and abroad. Recently, the Institute has taken steps to provide support to faculty to file for patents if the research is likely to fructify in commercially viable products or processes. During the last 5 years, BITS has seen healthy growth in the amount of funding received from different agencies. While most of these are from the government sector, the Institute through its existing collaboration with industries is trying to involve the corporate sector in funding research projects.

Know more about our research scholars across various departments

At BITS, we position research as an integral part of the curriculum & actively promote it among our students as well as our faculty. Besides basic research, we also give adequate importance & provide support to applied research.

results 25-36 of 1355

Manjeet Kumar Patel

Ph.D. Topic - Climate Change Impact on Livestock and Milk Production in India

Ph.D. Supervisor - Prof. Bheemeshwar Reddy A  ,
Co. Supervisor - Prof T Jayaraman (MSSRF, Chennai)


Ph.D. Topic - Essays on out-of-pocket expenditure and healthcare equity implication

Ph.D. Supervisor - Prof. Dushyant Kumar, Dr Bheemeshwar Reddy A
Co. Supervisor -

Kirtivardhan Singh

Ph.D. Supervisor - Prof. Sunny Kumar Singh  , Dr. Tanujit Chakraborty
Co. Supervisor -

Ramesh Venkatraman

Ph.D. Topic - The New Normal in Working Model in Information Technology Services Industry in India: Determinants, Impacts, Challenges, and Opportunities

Ph.D. Supervisor - Prof. Swati Alok,
Co. Supervisor - Prof. Krishnamurthy Bindumadhavan


Ph.D. Topic - Socio-Economic Issues in Higher Education: Accessibility, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Ph.D. Supervisor - Prof. Rishi Kumar ,
Co. Supervisor - Prof. Sudatta Banerjee      ,

Tanaji Pavani Prabha

Ph.D. Topic - Women Entrepreneurship and success factors in various stages of business: Enablers, Opportunities and Strategies

Ph.D. Supervisor - Prof. Swati Alok,
Co. Supervisor - Prof. Rishi Kumar ,

Rakesh Kumar Mahato

Ph.D. Topic - Aspects of Land Markets in Rural India

Ph.D. Supervisor - Prof. Bheemeshwar Reddy A  ,
Co. Supervisor -

P Ramya Priya

Ph.D. Topic - Design and Development of Integrated Wearable Sensor for Biochemical Analysis

Ph.D. Supervisor - Prof. Satish Kumar Dubey,
Co. Supervisor - Prof. P. Sankar Ganesh,

Gunashekar G

Ph.D. Topic - Analysis of Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces for Biomedical application

Ph.D. Supervisor - Prof. N Suresh Kumar Reddy,
Co. Supervisor -

Ahsan ul haq

Ph.D. Topic - Dynamic Response of Honeycomb Sandwich Panels Subjected to High Velocity Impact

Ph.D. Supervisor - Prof. N Suresh Kumar Reddy,
Co. Supervisor -

Sibin V Mathew

Ph.D. Topic - Performance Evaluation of Helical Screw Impeller on Anaerobic Digester

Ph.D. Supervisor - Prof. Supradeepan K,
Co. Supervisor - Prof. P. Sankar Ganesh,

Meduri Sitaram

Ph.D. Topic - Synthesis and evaluation of adsorbent based porous materials for hydrogen storage at room temperature

Ph.D. Supervisor - Prof. Jalaiah Nandanavanam,
Co. Supervisor -