Research is an integral and important part of any higher education system. BITS Pilani actively promotes research among its staff and students. Besides basic research, which is the backbone of any applied research, the Institute also gives adequate importance and support to applied research.
Research at BITS relies on the motivated intellectual manpower pool available among its staff and students. Students undertake research projects as a component of their education program itself. Teachers conduct research as an integral part of their responsibilities since this enables them to assimilate and disseminate knowledge as well as generate new knowledge. Besides this, BITS has devised innovative schemes to enable professionals at large to conduct research at their place of work and simultaneously work for the PhD degree of the Institute.
At BITS Pilani, the faculty are encouraged to publish their findings in reputed journals and present papers at conferences. Support is given to participate in national and international conferences and thereby network with experts from India and abroad. Recently, the Institute has taken steps to provide support to faculty to file for patents if the research is likely to fructify in commercially viable products or processes. During the last 5 years, BITS has seen healthy growth in the amount of funding received from different agencies. While most of these are from the government sector, the Institute through its existing collaboration with industries is trying to involve the corporate sector in funding research projects.
At BITS, we position research as an integral part of the curriculum & actively promote it among our students as well as our faculty. Besides basic research, we also give adequate importance & provide support to applied research.
Ronanki Suresh Ph.D. Topic - Hybrid Electric Vehicle Thermal Management Systems
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Prof. Santanu Prasad Datta, G Deepak kumar Ph.D. Topic - Nonlinear modelling and condition monitoring of cracked wind turbine blades using nonlinear vibration characteristics
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Prof. Brajesh Kumar Panigrahi, G Prashanth Kumar Reddy Ph.D. Topic - Numerical study on Resistance spot Welding of similar and Dissimilar metals
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Prof. Jeevan Jaidi, Prudviraj Kandukuri Ph.D. Topic - Advances in Spatial-Temporal Visualization of Falling-Film Flow Behaviour and Heat Transfer Characteristics for Desalination Systems
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Prof. Sandip S. Deshmukh, Kaki Ramesh Ph.D. Topic - Machine Learning Based Adaptive Quality Assurance System for Aerospace Vehicle Assembly Unit
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Prof. Sandip S. Deshmukh, Ramana Murthy Bagadi Ph.D. Topic - Multiphysics Modeling and Simulations on Friction Stir Welding Processes
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Prof. Jeevan Jaidi, Mrinmoy Saha Ph.D. Topic - Passive and active structural tuning of piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters and actuators for enhanced broadband energy harvesting and vibration isolation
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Prof. Brajesh Kumar Panigrahi, Akashjyoti Barman Ph.D. Topic - Remaining Life Estimation of multicomponent PCBs subjected to vibration and shock loading through ML/AI models.
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Prof. Sabareesh Geetha Rajasekharan, Kandula Uday Kumar Reddy Ph.D. Topic - Tribological behaviour of 3D printed PEEK for low cost dental implant applications
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Prof. Prabakaran Saravanan, HIMADRI SHARMA Ph.D. Topic - ---
Ph.D. Supervisor -
Prof. Ashis Kumar Das,
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Prof. Supradeepan K,
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Prof. Tathagata Ray, Prof. Chandu Parimi
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Dr. G.M. Karthik,
Co. Supervisor -
Prof. Sabareesh Geetha Rajasekharan,
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Prof. Radhika Sudha, Dr. Veerabhadra Reddy
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