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Research and Innovation:
Funded Projects

Encouraging innovation, laying the groundwork for future industries by bridging the gap between basic & applied research.

Research Projects Founded at BITS

We believe in innovation through research. BITS research enterprise encourages collaborations that make innovations and research advances possible. By bridging basic and applied research, we’re helping create new areas of research and building the foundations for industries of the future.

results 133-144 of 283

A Conceptual Study of Human Life: With Special Reference to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra

Pharmacological and Safety evaluation of protien based ketogenic diet supplement in STZ induced Alzheimer’s Type of Dementia in Rats

Gender Advancement for Transformation Institutions (GATI)

Development of a Framework for Knowledge Sharing Behavior: A Case of Indian Public Funded R&D Organizations

Determining short term financing for Make in India Initiative: A Case Study of Small and Medium Enterprises in Rajasthan

Developing active social learning interventions and assessing their impact on envrironmentally sustainable consumption behavior of primary children

Klotho regulation as a novel therapeutic strategy against acute kidney injury-induced comorbidity: Impact of epigenetic driven and epigenetic independent reactivation of endogenous Klotho expression

Gel-based composite formulation containing asiaticoside and neurotensin for rapid healing of diabetic wounds

Peptide-tethered multifunctional cationic nanocomplexes for delivery of IL-1 receptor antagonist for treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus

Activity targeted nano-formulations for co-delivery of a taxane and antioxidant molecule, alpha acid, for treating breast cancer

Peptide-decorated pH-sensitive nano-conjugate hybrid micelles for co-delivery of temozolamide and an autophagy inducer, rapamycin, for treatment of glioblastoma multiforme

cRGD decorated lipo-polymeric nanoplexes of CRISPR/Cas9 ribonucleoprotein (RNP) for the management of retinal dystrophic conditions

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