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Stability of Advanced Structures Lab


Lab Overview

  • The Stability of Structures Lab focuses on understanding and analyzing the stability and behaviour of various structural elements under different loads and conditions
  • The main goal is to ensure that structures can withstand forces without collapsing or failing, thereby ensuring safety and reliability

Key Research Areas

  • Integrity assessment of aerospace structures
  • Non-destructive prediction of load-carrying the capacity of space shells

Significant Facilities & Special Features

  • Biaxial testing facility- Stability assessment using axial compression and lateral probing
  • Imperfection measurement facility

Major Equipment

Research Funding & Grants

  • SERB Early Carrier Research (ECR) Grant
  • BITS Cross-Disciplinary Research Fund (CDRF)



  • Non-destructive characterization of cylindrical shells by probing: Identification of the probing location from energy barrier and probing forces using Measured Geometric Imperfections (MGI). Suhas Ankalkhope, Sandeep Jose, Thin-Walled Structures, 193,111232
  • Non-destructive prediction of buckling load of axially compressed cylindrical shells using Least Resistance Path to Probing. Suhas Ankalkhope, Sandeep Jose, Thin-Walled Structures, 170, 108497
  • Adaptive multimodal surface patterning on a cylindrical shell panel using piezoelectric actuators H Manoj Kumar, Sandeep Jose Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 29 (26), 5326-5339

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