Project Name | Description |
BITS-LifeGuard | A wearable computing project for saving human lives from road accidents caused due to reflex-degradation of the vehicular driver |
Communicate | A project involving IoT and HCI aimed at helping autism-affected children and young adults |
Connect | A project involving IoT and HCI aimed at developing solutions for the elderly people |
FlexNet | A project in the Software Defined Networking area aimed at help improved Fedearted Data Centre Networking |
e-Attend | A Biometric Identification-based Multi-utility Project with (e-Attend: the ongoing attendance marking / monitoring as one use case involving handhelds and fixed imaging devices based approaches) |
Any-Learn | An Open-edX-derived MOOC Platform Project to work as BITS Pilani's future platform for MOOC as well as SPOC offerings |
The lab is well equipped with the listed infrastructure to carry out the research projects.
Blockchain and Web3 Innovation Laboratory (BWI)
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Laboratory (AIM)
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